
Dementia Care Specialist - help for families

Types of Dementia

Have you noticed a change in someone’s short term memory? Maybe they are having trouble paying the bills or planning outings or holidays. Are they being repetitive in their conversations or asking the same questions over and over? How are their driving skills?

Those where the common signs, especially with Alzheimer’s disease, yet there are many more not so well-known signs such as inappropriate behaviours to strangers or even those close to them, paranoia, general confusion, hallucinations or mood changes.

The four main types of dementia in Australia are Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Frontotemporal Dementia. All of these present with different signs and behaviours.

When any of the above start to occur, it can often be put down to “getting old” yet many people age without any cognitive decline and it is not “normal” to behave in these ways.

If you have had a recent diagnosis or maybe your loved one is well into the journey of dementia, I am able to help in many ways.

Dementia Care Specialist - Dementia support for families

Dementia Support

I’m your confidant, trained to listen to your story and evaluate your situation. My goal is to get a clear understanding of what you’re struggling with and give you the knowledge and the tools to empower you on this challenging path.

I also help you deal with any setbacks that crop up along the way. This means you can call on someone you already trust when you’re facing any fears and uncertainties. I’m here for you because I know life, and in particular the dementia life, can throw so many curveballs. It is a lot easier when you have someone on your team.

Dementia Care Specialist Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

I will meet with you at a time and place convenient to you, your family or anyone that would like to attend. We will discuss in depth the truths, myths and symptoms of dementia. During this consult we will discuss the stage your loved one may be at, behaviours that may be occurring and guidance on dealing with these, help that can be obtained and the likely progression of the illness. I will then answer any questions anyone has regarding the ongoing trajectory of the illness your loved one has been diagnosed with. At the completion of this consult you will receive a plan via email which will summarise what has been discussed and a care plan going forward.

Family Mediation

Family Mediation

If there is one thing I see in my job, it is families that are not on the same path once a loved one is diagnosed with dementia. Some family members believe in the “just old age” philosophy, some are in denial and others just want to sort it all out. If there is one illness that manages to tear families apart rather them bringing them together, it is Dementia. I can sit with all family members and provide information about the illness, the trajectory of the illness and be a neutral person in the questions and answers about the future care of your loved one.

Dementia Care Consultancy

Dementia Care Consultancy

The majority of my clients work with me on a 6 or 12 month consultancy. These are a few of the services covered in that consultancy but many more everyday issues are covered.

  • Prepare Enduring Power of Attorney, Enduring Power of Guardianship and Advance Health Directive.
  • Available to all family members at any time by phone, email or text to answer questions or counsel for their emotional wellbeing.
  • To attend any medical or allied health appointments.
  • To handle all aspects of the person living with dementia’s medical communications and decisions along with family consultation and advise family in common terms.
  • Advise when family members baseline levels of dementia appear to be decreasing and implement a new care plan.
  • To create and implement palliative care plan at the expected 12mth, 6mth and final stages of the illness.
Theresa Bates Dementia Care Specialist

Theresa Bates

Dementia Care Specialist

Tel: 0438 951 884

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